This repository contains User Management modules for Gazelle.
JDK 17+/Maven 3.8.2+
Docker 20.10.14+
Docker-compose 2.16.0+
PostgreSQL 10+ with authorized prepared transactions
Build artifacts
It is possible to generate the artifacts with maven.
This command will directly build the docker image of the project :${project.version}${project.version}
It is possible to run different types of test in this application :
Unit tests that are run with the following command, the jacoco results can be found in module_path/target/site/jacoco/
Integration tests that can be run with the following command
Mutation tests that can be run with the following command, the results can be found in module_path/target/pit-reports/
In keycloak-provider module, the mutation tests are skipped.
Be careful of tests that need environment variables, they will more than likely not work, so you will need to exclude them from pitest. To do that add the following in the pom.xml of the module, in the configuration section of the pitest plugin, where the classes to exclude are in :
Environment variables
Name | Description | Value Example |
DB_KC_JDBC_URL | JDBC URL for Keycloak database | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/keycloak [OPTIONAL] |
DB_KC_USER | Postgres database user for Keycloak | gazelle |
DB_KC_PASSWORD | Postgres database password for Keycloak | |
DB_KC_HOST | Postgres database hostname for Keycloak | localhost |
DB_KC_PORT | Postgres database port for Keycloak | 5432 |
DB_KC_NAME | Postgres database name for Keycloak | keycloak |
DB_GUM_JDBC_URL | JDBC URL for GUM database | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/gum [OPTIONAL] |
DB_GUM_USER | Postgres database user for GUM | gazelle |
DB_GUM_PASSWORD | Postgres database password for GUM | |
DB_GUM_HOST | Postgres database hostname for GUM | localhost |
DB_GUM_PORT | Postgres database port for GUM | 5432 |
DB_GUM_NAME | Postgres database name for GUM | gum |
DB_TM_JDBC_URL | JDBC URL for TM database | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/gazelle [OPTIONAL] |
DB_TM_USER | Postgres database user for TM | gazelle |
DB_TM_PASSWORD | Postgres database password for TM | |
DB_TM_HOST | Postgres database hostname for TM | localhost |
DB_TM_PORT | Postgres database port for TM | 5432 |
DB_TM_NAME | Postgres database name for TM | gazelle |
DEBUG | Enable keycloak remote debug mode | false |
DEBUG_PORT | Set keycloak debug port | *:18787 |
DEV_MODE | Start keycloak in dev mode | false |
GZL_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER_JAR_URLS | The list of urls of external jars to be retrieve | http://localhost/file1.jar,http://localhost/file1.jar |
GZL_SSO_DEFAULT_LOCALE | The default language used for user interface, only works when migrating | en |
GZL_TM_URL | Gazelle-tm url | http://localhost:8080/gazelle |
GZL_SSO_LOGO_URL | The url of the customer logo displayed on the login page | http://localhost:8080/gazelle/mylogo.png |
GZL_USER_MANAGEMENT_FRONT_URL | The url of the user management front application | http://localhost:3000/gum-ui |
GZL_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_URL | Terms of service url | http://localhost:3000/tos |
GZL_SSO_ADMIN_EMAIL | The email of the user with manage-client role | Default: |
GZL_SSO_ADMIN_USER | The username of the user with manage-client role | gazelle-clients-admin |
GZL_SSO_ADMIN_PASSWORD | The password of the user with manage-client role | password |
GZL_SSO_URL | The URL of the SSO server. | http://localhost:28080 |
GZL_SSO_REALM | The realm to use | gazelle |
KC_HTTP_PORT | The HTTP port used by the Keycloak instance | 28080 |
KC_HTTP_PATH | The HTTP path used by the Keycloak instance (used behind reverse proxy) | /auth |
KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH | The relative HTTP path (used behind reverse proxy) | /auth |
KC_HOSTNAME_URL | The hostname url used by the Keycloak instance (used behind reverse proxy) | https://production/auth |
KC_HOSTNAME_PATH | The hostname path used by the Keycloak instance (used behind reverse proxy) | /auth |
KC_PROXY | The proxy mode used by the Keycloak instance | edge |
KC_SPI_CONNECTIONS_HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MILLIS | Setup Socket inactivity timeout to any outside http request. | 10000 |
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USER | The username of the Keycloak admin | admin |
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | The password of the Keycloak admin | password |
ROOT_TEST_BED_URL | Test bed root url | http://localhost |
SMTP_SSL_ENABLED | Enable SSL for SMTP | false |
SMTP_FROM_DOMAIN | Configure from domain (default equals to FQDN variable) | localhost |
SMTP_MOCK_ENABLED | Enable mock SMTP server | false |
SMTP_USERNAME | SMTP username for authentication | |
SMTP_PASSWORD | SMTP password for authentication | |
SMTP_PORT | SMTP server port | 25 |
SMTP_HOST | SMTP server hostname | localhost |
JWT_VERIFY_PUBLIC_KEY_LOCATION | The location of the public key used to verify the JWT token | ${GZL_SSO_URL}/realms/gazelle/protocol/openid-connect/certs |
JWT_VERIFY_ISSUER | The issuer of the JWT token | ${GZL_SSO_URL}/realms/gazelle |
See the official documentation of Keycloak for more information about the environment variables.
Applications deployment (for dev)
Deploy with Maven
The first possibility is to deploy GUM with maven-docker-plugin. This process is useful for integrations tests.
Keycloak should be available by default at http://localhost:28080/.
The list of applications that will be deployed :
gazelle-database (
gazelle-user-management-keycloak (The keycloak instance)
gazelle-user-management-quarkus (The GUM backend)
Mailhog for testing mails (
Check the logs
ℹ️ Tips: you can add the flag -Ddocker.follow to your command to automatically follow the logs.
Stop the services
Deploy with Compose
For end-to-end testing you can use the docker-compose to deploy the applications that you need.
Data for gazelle-tm
Environment files (.env)
1) Start the database
2) Import data [First deployment only]
3) Configure realm [Optional]
Copy your realm to /opt/keycloak/data/import/
(create folders if necessary) if additional realms are required.
4) Start GUM
How to configure the gazelle realm
To understand better how the gazelle realm works and how to configure it, see Keycloak administrator manual.
Configuration to integrate a CAS Client
In CAS file .properties of your client application:
Last updated